Refund Policy

Last updated: 23/02/2024

Welcome to Dinebd. We are committed to ensuring a fair and transparent refund process for our customers while respecting the commitments of our dining partners. Our refund policy is outlined below:

Table Booking Cancellations:

  • Full Refund Voucher: Customers are eligible for a full refund voucher if:
    • The booking is canceled more than 5 hours before the reserved time.
    • The booking request is rejected by the vendor.
    • The booking is canceled before the vendor accepts it, and the booking status is ‘Pending’.
  • No Refund: Customers will not receive a refund voucher if the booking is canceled less than 5 hours before the reserved time.

Takeaway and Homemade Food Orders:

  • Full Refund Vouchers: Customers are eligible for a full refund voucher if:
    • The order is canceled while in ‘Pending’ status.
    • The order is canceled within 5 minutes of being accepted by the vendor, subject to an investigation by Dinebd’s support team.
    • The vendor cancels the order.
  • No Refund: Customers will not receive a full refund voucher if the order is canceled more than 5 minutes after being accepted by the vendor.

Additional Option for Cash Refund:

If a customer is eligible for a full refund voucher, they can contact our support team for a cash refund instead of a voucher.

General Terms:

  • Coupon Validity: Refund vouchers for table bookings are valid for a limited period, indicated on the coupon.
  • Investigation Process: For complaints regarding takeaway and homemade food orders, our investigation team will review each case. Refunds will be issued based on the team’s findings, considering factors such as food quality, incorrect orders, or missing items.
  • Decision Finality: Decisions made by the investigation team regarding refunds are final.
  • Non-Exchangeability: Refund coupons cannot be exchanged for cash and must be used within the Dinebd app.

Contact and Support:

For any inquiries or to submit a complaint, contact our customer support team through the app or at [email protected].

Policy Review and Amendments:

This refund policy may change at any time without notice. Regularly review this policy, as continued use of the Dinebd app indicates acceptance of any amendments.